Meet the Team!

We’re proud to say the Animal Behavior Podcast is created entirely by Animal Behavior Researchers from all over the world!
Here you can find out more about our amazing team, and learn more about their research!

Podcast Director &

Matthew Zipple

Matthew is a Klarman postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell University, studying how social behaviors shape the evolution of life history in mammals.


Amy Strauss

Amy is a PhD Candidate in UMass Amherst’s Organismic and Evolutionary Biology graduate program, where she studies how ecological and social factors shape songbird vocal communication systems. She also teaches biology and runs a science research program for high school students at Marin Academy.

Comm Director

Casey Patmore

Casey is a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh, studying parental care and cooperation in burying beetles.

Sound Director

Brian Leavell

Brian is a PhD candidate at Purdue University, studying predator-prey interactions and communication systems.

Education Team

Georgia Lambert

Georgia is PhD student at the University of Edinburgh studying parental care and cooperation in burying beetles.

Emily McLean

Emily is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Oxford College of Emory University.  She’s interested in the evolution of social behavior.

Smile Choudhary

Smile just finished up her MRes in Biological Sciences at the University of Exeter, studying camouflage and escape responses in green shore crabs!

Content Editors

Camilla Cenni

Camilla just finished her PhD in Evolution and Behavior at Lethbridge. She studies tool use, object play, and animal innovation in non-human primates. She is interested in how animals think and interact with their environment, in their environment

Logan James

Logan studies vocal communication in birds, frogs, and other animals (including humans!). He is especially interested in common patterns and biases in production / perception of acoustic signals

Niko Hensley

Niko is a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University studying the diversification of communication behaviors in Hawaiian crickets.